出院了, 雖然唔捨得個ward, 但可以回家係好事~
琴日朝早home leave去左睇中醫
講哂個情況佢知, 佢唔贊成我抽肺水
因為抽完又會有, 而且刺激佢之後, 仲會出多啲水...
咁佢講得好有道理, 所以我都唔抽, 打算食一星期睇下點
但估唔到返到醫院, 食完第一碗中藥就見效...
不過食藥後第4個鍾, 我己經無吸氧
直到第二朝中午, 差不多有20小時
唔吸氧, 含氧量都有93/100
之前只可以用左邊身瞓, 瞓到pat pat都瘀瘀痛痛
希望一路好落去, 下星期返去xray有好成績! =D
另外, 好多謝E6 Ward既所有醫護人員
特別係houseman - Dr. Loraine, Dr. Sharon, Dr. Philip
仲有2位醫科學生, 可惜我唔記得佢地個名...
好高興, 香港將來又多咁多好醫生~ =)
琴日朝早home leave去左睇中醫
講哂個情況佢知, 佢唔贊成我抽肺水
因為抽完又會有, 而且刺激佢之後, 仲會出多啲水...
咁佢講得好有道理, 所以我都唔抽, 打算食一星期睇下點
但估唔到返到醫院, 食完第一碗中藥就見效...
不過食藥後第4個鍾, 我己經無吸氧
直到第二朝中午, 差不多有20小時
唔吸氧, 含氧量都有93/100
之前只可以用左邊身瞓, 瞓到pat pat都瘀瘀痛痛
希望一路好落去, 下星期返去xray有好成績! =D
另外, 好多謝E6 Ward既所有醫護人員
特別係houseman - Dr. Loraine, Dr. Sharon, Dr. Philip
仲有2位醫科學生, 可惜我唔記得佢地個名...
好高興, 香港將來又多咁多好醫生~ =)
回覆刪除努力, 打贏佢!
回覆刪除Watercress ( Sai Yeong Choy in Cantonese)
回覆刪除Watercress: The Miracle Food
Watercress is called Sai Yeong Choy in Cantonese
UK Scientists say watercress is the new super food, able to prevent certain types of cancer. According to a study published this week in The British Journal of Nutrition, the consumption of a three ounce portion of watercress reduced the presence of a key tumor growth factor six to eight hours after eating the watercress in healthy patients who had previously been treated for breast cancer. The study was conducted by the Cancer Research Center at the School of Medicine , Southampton General Hospital in the United Kingdom and concluded watercress is as therapeutic as traditional drug treatments with tamoxifen & herceptin, commonly used chemotherapy drugs.
The study also said that through regular consumption, watercress "has the potential to confer valuable protection against cancer in general." "Watercress has the ability to turn off HIF1, a signal sent out by cells calling for blood supply," said noted aging scientist Dr. Nicholas Perricone.
When HIF1 becomes incorrectly regulated, otherwise harmless precancerous clusters of cells have the opportunity to grow to form invasive tumors. "Scientists have been looking for anti-angiogenesis agents for years because if we can turn off the blood supply, we can kill the cancer," said Perricone. "And it looks like watercress can do that."
Another study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in February of 2007 showed that, in addition to reducing DNA damage, a daily dose of watercress increased the ability of cells to further resist DNA damage that may be caused by free radicals.
In the study, 60 men and women, half of whom were smokers, consumed their usual diet plus 85 grams of raw watercress daily for eight weeks. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma antioxidant status and DNA damage in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Watercress consumption significantly reduced lymphocyte DNA damage. In the time of the Romans, Greeks and Persians watercress was used as a natural medicine, prescribed for migraines, anemia, eczema, kidney and liver disorder and tuberculosis.
回覆刪除God Bless and hope you recover soon !!!!!! Add oil ar !
回覆刪除Take care
回覆刪除Good news and take care ar...add oil and always support you ^O^
回覆刪除加油呀~~小琳~~~一定要好番呀~~~ P.S 而家係未冇晒D癌細胞 GA LA????
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/09/2012 23:59:59]仲有呀~ 佢地都無走過...
回覆刪除堅持呀! 情況一定會有好轉...
回覆刪除雖然 one million percent堅信你 能渡過這一關,但知道你入院,心情還是有些忐忑,現在可以舒一口氣,請原諒我遲來的問候。看醫生有時真要講醫緣的,與那位醫生「夾」就給他診理吧!杏林香暧,一個好人遇到一群好醫生,這也算是醫緣吧,請多多休息,保重珍重。
回覆刪除唔好認輸呀 !
回覆刪除Pray for you everyday for good health. Stay strong and positve.
能夠遇到好嘅醫生確實病人的福氣,小琳加油呀! Pray for you!
回覆刪除May God bless you always, 小琳!! Pray for you!
回覆刪除Good news, add oil, Siu Lam!
回覆刪除good!!! well u get well sooooon!
回覆刪除小心, 加油呀
回覆刪除小琳, 幾年無上過你的BLOG了, 唔知點解今日有點掛念你,
回覆刪除見到這個消息, 我衷心希望你保重, 希望你早日康復