轉變網誌主人標題 To change the title and subtitiles, please go to your new blog "新入伙" and click on the tab "設計" on the top right corner of the page. Then it will show you some options including "設定" on the left hand column of the page. Click on it and then click "基本" then "標题" will show up. Click "標题" and you can start changing the title to the one that you want. You could also check the appropriate tab for subtitle and amend it accordingly.
如何改標頭 1. Go to your blog page and click 設計at the top right hand corner. 2. Click 版面配置 3. Check if 標頭 is correct, if not click 编輯 to amend it. 4. If you want to add a picture in your page design, please do so in the section 圖片under 標頭 and click 编輯. You can then upload pictures you like from your computer to decorate your blog page.
yeah!! 二姐好o野呀 ~~ ^__^
回覆刪除辛苦晒小琳會祝福她的fans 的,最好能把版头改為yahoo 的
外表極健康的肺癌病人=鄧小琳= *無聊但開心的生活日誌>
To change the title and subtitiles, please go to your new blog "新入伙" and click on the tab "設計" on the top right corner of the page.
Then it will show you some options including "設定" on the left hand column of the page. Click on it and then click "基本" then "標题" will show up. Click "標题" and you can start changing the title to the one that you want. You could also check the appropriate tab for subtitle and amend it accordingly.
1. Go to your blog page and click 設計at the top right hand corner.
2. Click 版面配置
3. Check if 標頭 is correct, if not click 编輯 to amend it.
4. If you want to add a picture in your page design, please do so in the section 圖片under 標頭 and click 编輯. You can then upload pictures you like from your computer to decorate your blog page.
回覆刪除由於回應「驗證碼」難於辨認, 往往造成回應時諸多困擾。因此建議大家一定要消除驗證碼, 方便回應。步驟如下"
先去首頁右上角 按"設定", 選"文章和留言", 在"顯示字詞驗證"處 → 設成: "否"!
記住回到 右上方按→ "儲存設定" (任何變改都要"儲存設定")
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二姐, good job!希望更多人看到小琳的故事!
回覆刪除add oil!!
回覆刪除Thank you 二姐 for taking care of Siu Lam's blog!!
回覆刪除Too Good!