^^ everybody also love u ^^ i'm sure about that ~~ plus ur blog frd also love u so much ka ~ dont' worry ~~ ^^ happy girl also have good luck ~~ so keep urself happy la ~ 你怕, 我地比"dam" 你 (heheh forgot how to write that word ) :P good luck girl ~~ i think u already took all my luck already .... feeling that i will have bad luck tmr :P hehehe ~~ anyway ~~ u will be fine ~~ take care no matter what, i will keep prayer for u ~ be strong and be happy ^^
i didn't know you but i have been reading your blog for a while....i wish you all the best and you will overcome everything!!
回覆刪除^^ everybody also love u ^^ i'm sure about that ~~ plus ur blog frd also love u so much ka ~ dont' worry ~~ ^^ happy girl also have good luck ~~ so keep urself happy la ~ 你怕, 我地比"dam" 你 (heheh forgot how to write that word ) :P good luck girl ~~ i think u already took all my luck already .... feeling that i will have bad luck tmr :P hehehe ~~ anyway ~~ u will be fine ~~ take care no matter what, i will keep prayer for u ~ be strong and be happy ^^
回覆刪除保重,應該會無事既! 祝身體健康!
回覆刪除不要太憂心啊。學我的西醫話齋:最緊要有得搞!有想過睇中醫嗎? Sam醫師 的網,有看過嗎?睇完,或者對中醫診治更有信心。 倪醫師 這個網,可讓你對癌病診治有更多認識。
回覆刪除不要為做手術既問題而過份憂慮哦... 有機會做已經很好了! 勇敢面對呀
回覆刪除Dear SiuLam, Don't worry la. Pray for you +oil
回覆刪除Dear Siu Lam, don't worry, be happy. Mr. 16 will surely take care of you, ever and forever.
回覆刪除Don't worry. You must have good luck.
回覆刪除開心D,唔好諗咁多...... 你的家人愛人朋友醫生都一定訓身幫你錫你!
回覆刪除support you. you can make it~ kiss~ ^@^ by fiski
回覆刪除雖然未見過妳, 但看到文章也感心痛~~!!! 雖然不知用什麼說話叫妳用怕, 但在空氣中很多朋友支持妳的! 給妳力量! 只要有空氣的地方, 妳的朋友就在給妳力量! 加油呀!!!
回覆刪除鄧小琳~~ 收到晒la!!!! 錫晒你 !!!!!!!!唔駛驚~~ 天跌落嚟~都同你 撐 住!!!
回覆刪除SiuLam : 嗯嗯~~正面~gd~~︿_︿