what do u mean 唔合格 ? ^^ but 無咩副作用 ... that's mean ur body is good la !! dont' worry about it ~~ worry is not good for health ! jsut like those cartoon, those cartoon always have 念力 and great 意志力, when u think u are ok , u will be ok !! ad don't be worry !!! u always in my prayer !! ^^
哈 ~~ 連十六號仔d小宇宙傳比你 !! 你勁過星矢0拉 ~~ do u know who is 星矢 ?? ?? ^^ i'm a 3D animation artise, so i love cartoon and animation alot (specaily japanese) ~ well ~ if 做電腦動畫 dosen't watch cartoon or 動畫, 點算做電腦動畫呀 ~~ (typing chinese really killing me -___-) anyway ~~ i understand la, i'm sure u will be fine, i heard that, emotion will help ur body to produce those thing ~~ keep urself happy ^^ than everything will be great ~~ but no matter what, when the ppl happy , the body also will be happy !!! XDDD smile more !!! laugh 都 OK 架!!
喂, 新年快樂呀!!!!!!!!祝你梗係...身體健康ar!!!!!!!! 我話你去覆診梗合格啦!
回覆刪除喂!小卓!我今日諗起nepal,諗起你呀! 你睇我幾掛住你!!!
回覆刪除可能合格呢!乜咁灰架??? 你有咩結果記得post上黎呀!!祝覆診合格!!
回覆刪除what do u mean 唔合格 ? ^^ but 無咩副作用 ... that's mean ur body is good la !! dont' worry about it ~~ worry is not good for health ! jsut like those cartoon, those cartoon always have 念力 and great 意志力, when u think u are ok , u will be ok !! ad don't be worry !!! u always in my prayer !! ^^
回覆刪除呢兩個星期過得好開心咩? haha 咁咪好囉 新一年快快樂樂、身體健康
回覆刪除糖果: 昨晚同你傾計好開心呀~你好好人呢~有結果我會放上唻的~ ^^ Akira: 唔合格, 即係白血球呀血小板呀個啲太低, 醫生就唔會同我打化療針, 因為如果再打又會再低啲, 咁我會超辛苦的...而副作用對我有冇影響同啲藥對我有冇效亦都無直接關係加...所以唔代表我身體好好囉...>.< 見到你講cartoon, 我覺得好攪笑呢~hehe... alman: 呢兩星期精神吖嘛~又去拜年又出街玩~梗係開心啦~ 唔係你以為係乜?! XD
回覆刪除我將我一半小宇宙傳比您啦一係 我咁鬼四肢發達 又捐過咁多次血都冇問題 一定幫到您~~
回覆刪除哈 ~~ 連十六號仔d小宇宙傳比你 !! 你勁過星矢0拉 ~~ do u know who is 星矢 ?? ?? ^^ i'm a 3D animation artise, so i love cartoon and animation alot (specaily japanese) ~ well ~ if 做電腦動畫 dosen't watch cartoon or 動畫, 點算做電腦動畫呀 ~~ (typing chinese really killing me -___-) anyway ~~ i understand la, i'm sure u will be fine, i heard that, emotion will help ur body to produce those thing ~~ keep urself happy ^^ than everything will be great ~~ but no matter what, when the ppl happy , the body also will be happy !!! XDDD smile more !!! laugh 都 OK 架!!
回覆刪除Jim: 放心~我並沒有亂吃東西~ ^^ Alman: 分一半錢比我好了~wakkkaka!!! Akira: 我也是那個年代的人喇...當然知道星矢...雖然沒有看過...XD 金毛旦: 多謝你的祝福~
回覆刪除SiuLam.T :我覺得你係一個好人,而好人會有好報,所以你一定會沒有事的。
回覆刪除唔好咁灰喇,無事喇,相信明天會更好,我撐你架天氣乍暖還寒,小心保重喎 。