so good ..... i also wanna be normal friend with my frist one , coz she still is the improtance person for me ~~ although we didn't really talk fr 4 years ... but i know everythign about her :P jsut like a spy ~~ hahaha 八卦仔 ~~ XDDDD ~~~~ no comment ~~ but know more each other is a good thing ~~ alman ~~ 我幫你 !!! ( don't know how to type "chon" like help in a commen way ) siulam or girl ~~ didn't answer my question yet !!!!!!
who is hris and Dennis ?? they are ur ex ?? got a question !!!!! is the girl want to see their bf everyday ????
回覆刪除Chris就係siulam的ex dennis就... 唔知係唔係lu 不過我估九成都係啦...
回覆刪除Fung: 哈~我唔係有心要攻擊佢加...我係真心原諒佢的~所以我都懶得理佢會諗咩lu~ Akira: 有個八卦仔幫我答左你啦~haha!! chris係我個ex, dennis都係, 但我已經同dennis做左好好既朋友喇~ alman: 多事!!!!!!
回覆刪除so good ..... i also wanna be normal friend with my frist one , coz she still is the improtance person for me ~~ although we didn't really talk fr 4 years ... but i know everythign about her :P jsut like a spy ~~ hahaha 八卦仔 ~~ XDDDD ~~~~ no comment ~~ but know more each other is a good thing ~~ alman ~~ 我幫你 !!! ( don't know how to type "chon" like help in a commen way ) siulam or girl ~~ didn't answer my question yet !!!!!!
回覆刪除Akira: oh yes...唔記得左~haha~ 我係咁既女仔唻加~想日日都見加~不過如果大家都要返工, 咁當然無計啦~
回覆刪除一d都唔肉麻 我都成日睇我同我老公既相架
回覆刪除係呀~有時要再見番至會知道自己對對方既感覺是否有變,係咪因為妳而家已有個新既, 咪可以自自然然去放低咗law!
回覆刪除之前都講過啦,無愛點黎恨, 你而家無左恨的感覺,即是你對ex已經no feeling. alman大可放心啦!
回覆刪除咁我又唔會唔放心o既 佢要時間先放得低 証明係一個重情的人 我都有同siulam講過 愛的反面不是恨 愛的反面是"漠不關心" 有看「心動」嘛? 張艾嘉說過 當有一天,你是「突然」想起他時 就是真正忘記的時候了
回覆刪除一個人若心存怨恨便沒有寬恕之心,也便沒有愛,這會讓人漸漸失去人性,變得難以相處,現在你懂得放下,這已証明妳會被愛所包圍, 幸福正向你揮手呢.