finally i got time to come back and read ur stuff ^^ :P heavy snow n NYC ... >...< no good no good IC ~ as ur friend said , everybody haev a place to store the sadness! but samehow ... that's space will be full one day .. and it will be explode ... so i will choose to get over the sadness, rather hide it , i know it is hard to do !! but some how i can find a way out ^^ at lease i don't hide it ~ Hide ur sadness is easy, but not really good for ur mantal . but i totally feel it ... coz i'm like that b4 ... coz too many sadness in my life also ~~ ========== hahaha ~~ " 只能同甘,不能共苦的人我見過太多" i totally agree ... i also look for someone who can 同甘共苦 .... but same the girl in NYC is too 現實 ...... and i'm still not being success in my career ... sigh ... no $$ no girl .... sigh .... why they dont' like 心思 but $$ ..... sigh
回覆刪除肥旦: 對呀...是會過去, 但要被藏後的很久很久才能過去... Alman: 你滿懷信心咁喎!
回覆刪除SiuLam.T :雖然我不太明白,但有時及早面對,總好過將件事收收埋埋既
回覆刪除finally i got time to come back and read ur stuff ^^ :P heavy snow n NYC ... >...< no good no good IC ~ as ur friend said , everybody haev a place to store the sadness! but samehow ... that's space will be full one day .. and it will be explode ... so i will choose to get over the sadness, rather hide it , i know it is hard to do !! but some how i can find a way out ^^ at lease i don't hide it ~ Hide ur sadness is easy, but not really good for ur mantal . but i totally feel it ... coz i'm like that b4 ... coz too many sadness in my life also ~~ ========== hahaha ~~ " 只能同甘,不能共苦的人我見過太多" i totally agree ... i also look for someone who can 同甘共苦 .... but same the girl in NYC is too 現實 ...... and i'm still not being success in my career ... sigh ... no $$ no girl .... sigh .... why they dont' like 心思 but $$ ..... sigh
回覆刪除oh ~~ the studio i work , just made the Godiva commercal ~~~~~ i love that chocolate ^^
回覆刪除Akira: ha~ 聽起來真夠慘呢...不過香港而家啲女仔都係向錢看喇...所以你在NYC並沒有特別慘~ 這算安慰嗎? XD
回覆刪除加油喔~~ 祝你諸事如意,心想事成~~
回覆刪除不用藏!!! 你得的努力!! 支持你