hahha ~~ "the 7 Habit of Highly Effective People" hahah ~~ sound fun ~~ u think u are not effective mei ?? why u watch that book ?? hahah ~~ it is a business thinking book ?? well ~~ i dont' like reading ~ so i will never read those :P WAAaaaaAAaaaaa ~~ in here never find those taste food ~~~ >....< i don't care 皇廷酒家, 奧海城 .... here have alot of sun also ~~ but too hot ~~~ plus too much 花粉 .... have tear all the tim ~~ don't think too much la ~~ u said only haev one person can solve ma ~~~ so ~~ it should be fine one day ~ or if that person can't help also ~~ that it is ur ture to make some decistion la ~ jsut dont' be unhappy la ~~ u need more relax ~~ ^^
回覆刪除@.@" 諗唔到您會有興趣睇呢類書… 其實……The 8 Habits 都已經出左一段時間… ~.~" @q@ 炸海鮮卷…個樣好殺食呀~~~但睇落似炸海鮮餅多d~~^.^"
回覆刪除hahha ~~ "the 7 Habit of Highly Effective People" hahah ~~ sound fun ~~ u think u are not effective mei ?? why u watch that book ?? hahah ~~ it is a business thinking book ?? well ~~ i dont' like reading ~ so i will never read those :P WAAaaaaAAaaaaa ~~ in here never find those taste food ~~~ >....< i don't care 皇廷酒家, 奧海城 .... here have alot of sun also ~~ but too hot ~~~ plus too much 花粉 .... have tear all the tim ~~ don't think too much la ~~ u said only haev one person can solve ma ~~~ so ~~ it should be fine one day ~ or if that person can't help also ~~ that it is ur ture to make some decistion la ~ jsut dont' be unhappy la ~~ u need more relax ~~ ^^
回覆刪除yc : 我知呀, 但我仲買呢本唻睇, 係因為兩年前有個人叫我要睇但我一直未睇, 所以我要了左呢件心事!!!
回覆刪除峨~︿_︿ 完來係情意結~~~ 英文版d字深唔深架~?? 有好多相類似既管理書我都想睇, 但硬係驚英文太深我睇唔明~~所以都係等中文版~<(^.^") 您努力d 睇晒佢~唔好恰眼訓噢~~~XD
回覆刪除嘩,在好久好久以前公司要上這一個course及看過中文板本,好像叫"與成功有約",甚麼叫 be proactive, win win stituation, first to understand then to be understood, sharpen the saw .... 全都忘記了.
回覆刪除yc: 都唔係太深~ mafanyau: 唔係吖~你都記得唔少喎~