2014年7月2日 星期三

妹妹 生日快樂 ~ 愛你

妹妹, 生日快樂 !  今日勁好陽光, 啱晒你啦 ~ 去左邊樹玩呀 ?

今晚我地一家人去左大自然素食, 見住爸爸夾餸比你,
我地感到一家人再次齊齊整整咁食生日飯 ^^

你要好好生活, 要身體健康, 要記住我地 !  我地都會一樣 :)


49 則留言:

  1. 小琳,生日快樂。 大家永遠愛你

  2. 小琳沒有忘記你們,有經常去看你們。

  3. 你們嘗試靜靜的定下來感受一下,你們會感受得到小琳,她還在。

  4. 小琳... 生日快樂呀.. 雖然遲O左.. 不過有心唔怕遲呀嘛....^^

  5. 小琳,又係秋高氣爽嘅日子啦,你又會去邊度玩呢?掛住你啦,希望你繼續開開心心生活吖~~ ^^

  6. 小琳,我係長期路人甲,早2星期去日本旅行,住池袋,有一晚係酒店附近的「磯丸水產」食飯,見到有一位女職員,該位職員同你有8-9成相似,雖然未見過你真人,但當時不自覺地想起你,感覺好舒服,可惜我不懂日文。

  7. 小琳府上各位,聖誕快樂!

  8. 就快2月9曰小琳生日了,祝她在天家happy birthday找個如意郎君

  9. 發功叻祝有病的人早兄日痊 癒

  10. 小琳你好嗎? 你返咗天國都2年啦, 你而家生活點樣呀? 習唔習慣呢?你唔駛掛住我哋架啦,最緊要係開開心心咁生活。不過我哋就好掛住你吖~ :-) :-)

  11. To our dearest and lovable siu lam
    We all know that you are in a much better place now where there is no more worry and suffering. You must have been travelling around the world. You are truly our angel and have touched everyone' heart. Your most beautiful and true smiles have bought so much joy and shine to us. We are always behind you and your family.

    For this world you are one person but to a special person like you you are our world.

    Love always

  12. 小琳,生日快樂!永遠懷念你!

  13. To our dearest and adorable siu lam
    Time slips away just like that! Hardly a day goes by without thinking of you. Happy birthday to the one and only siu lam. We will always remember you and your birthday.
    I went to Tuen Mun a couple of days ago to visit you and your new home. It is such a beautiful and tranquil place. I believe that you love this place as much as we do.
    We are very thankful and grateful for your parents who brought you to the world. Your presence and coming into our lives is a greatest gift of love to us and the world. We can' t tell how much to appreciate you for sharing your life with us and teaching what love is all about. Your loving heart, positive attitude towards life, spirits and courage have made a larger than life impact on us. You are such an unique, remarkable, extraordinary and one of a kind person. You are simply irreplaceable. Anyone would love to have a classmate, colleague, travel companion, friend, sister and soulmate just like you. Thank you for making a difference in our life. Your beauty and sweetest smiles shine from inside out.
    You live your life happily and healthly wherever you go travelling and someone always look after you now. I am pretty sure that we will see you again.
    You mean a lot to us and the world. I have given a lot of thoughts to myself lately.We want to give siu lam a gift of love from us. what is the best possible one to be dedicated to her? Siu lam' Fan Club or something precious to last forever. Please anyone who love siu lam help to make it happen. Please leave a message here if you love to do so. I will get back to you soonest.

    Love as always, forever and ever
    Your biggest fan and supporter

  14. To siu lam's family
    My warmest regards also goes to siu lam's family.
    We always think of you all and please take good care of yourself and each other especially Mr and Mrs Tang. Take them to drink tea as siu lam said before. Siu lam is always with us wherever and whenever we are.

    Love always

  15. siu lam happy birthday to you, 願妳為全世界病人祝福

  16. Merry christmas to siu lam and your family. You must travel around the world with Santa Claus and reindeers. We surely miss you all the time. Wish you and your family a merry christmas and a happy new year.

    From Alan
    With love always
    Christmas 2015

  17. I am not able to fall asleep saturday night as I am thinking about you siu lam. I have watched your videos on the youtube over and over again tonight. I want you to know how much we all love you. You must be happy and smile now as you are watching us. I can feel your presence. Chinese new year of the Monkey is just around the corner and I can see how busy you were shopping and decorating your home on the youtube. You were so engaged in doing so but you also enjoyed it especially the atmosphere. I love to do the same things especially buying and sharing all the sweeties with family and friends. Christmas and Chinese new year holidays are my favorite festivals simply because the spirit and atmosphere as well as the celebrations among family and friends not to mention about the presents and lucky money. The food and drinks are so delightful and delicious as well. Remember we help each other to clean the house for the chinese new year which is our tradition embraced and carried on by us each year. We all dress up throughout the holiday. I will write you again soon and take good care of yourself.

    Love always

    16 Jan 2016

  18. Kung Hei Fei Choi and Happy Chinese New Year of the Monkey
    to siu lam and your family. Enjoy as much as possible the turnip and chinese new year cakes. Lots of sweeties. Yummy! The lucky money in red envelope in different colours and designs.

    Love always

    8 Feb 2016

  19. 小琳已在二月九日下午四時五十九分離開了大家, 我們永遠懷念妳 ! 2013

  20. 小琳,今日突然諗起你,斬下眼你走左咁耐,遠方的你過得好嗎,你嘅感染力好強,不死嘅鄧小琳精神仍然存在,我永遠懷念你

  21. It seems like yesterday. Time slips away just like that. This year is already more than half way through. This sat afternoon I do not have any particular things to do and take care of. I have been thinking a lot about you lately. I know where you are and keep watching us from above. This summer has been oppressively hot.

    I remember that you used to work in an organic farm in Australia before as a part of work program for people of all ages who love to explore the beautiful natures and experience the lifestyle of farming overseas. I have been thinking about this exploration in Australia for a year. I hope my plan will soon be actualized.

    I also hope that your family has been doing well.

    Miss you like crazy and chat with you again soon

    Your fan and friend

  22. Happy moon festival to you and your family. How are you siu lam?
    Colorful lanterns and sweet moon cakes of all kinds. I know you are happy now more than ever. Miss you and think of you.

    Love always from
    16 Sept 2016

  23. Sweetest siu lam

    It is me! It has been long time since my last message to you.
    The seasons come and go but my thought of you is always here.
    Summer is more than half way through. Hope everything is super
    Great with you and your family.

    Miss you more than ever

    Your fan and friend
    Summer 2017

  24. 小琳已經走了6年了,她的文字永遠留在心中

  25. 小琳已經走了6年了,她的文字永遠留在心中

  26. hi,小琳,希望妳在那邊過得安好。今天我認識了一個跟妳長得蠻像的女孩,讓我突然又很想念妳了。。。

  27. 小琳,2019年啦,其實走左咁多年,我都有想起你架,唔知美麗小天使你在天國過成點?

  28. 小琳, 生日快樂, 唔駛掛住香港!

  29. 記得你曾說過, 怕別人忘記你. 事實是, 仍有人記得你. 面對困難,痛苦的未來, 仍然會有勇氣, 樂觀積極去面對. 祝生日快樂

  30. siu lam, merry x'mas and happy new year! Will remember you always.....

  31. 好利害的小琳離開大家7年網絡還有留言,we”re remember u

  32. 小琳 遲O左的生日快樂呀!想念妳!

  33. 小琳,又係我呀!上年遲咗好耐先講生日快樂,今年我記得呀!生日快樂呀!原來妳已經離咗我哋咁耐,沒有妳笑容既日子,好難過!但妳喺嗰邊都要開開心心,我會努力活好每一天!盡量令自己不留遺憾!掛住妳!講多次:生日快樂呀呀呀!🥳🎂🎉🎉
