2009年5月9日 星期六

罷睇低級趣味節目 - 美女廚房

Facebook Group



佢地唔識劏, d動物要痛好耐先死得去~ 早年恐怖份子用刀仔逐刀逐刀切斷美軍人質條頸o既情景你地都記得嘛, 我地會覺得好殘忍, 但有無想過佢地咁對d動物一樣咁殘忍? 既然要佢地死, 要俾人煮, 何必要佢地死得咁辛苦? 做廚o既, 都會盡可能一刀殺死d動物, 或者盡可能用d令佢地死得無咁辛苦o既方法去殺死佢地. 但d女仔根本就唔識點劏d動物, 點解唔可以買d急凍或冰鮮o左o既動物呢? 如果話驚唔新鮮會食壞主持人o既話, 同d動物死得咁辛苦比較, 邊樣嚴重d?

另外, 佢地殺生根本唔係為炮製美食, 佢地只係要o黎玩, 只係要用動物o既掙扎o黎嚇驚d女仔, 去影佢地o既驚慌o既樣~ 生命o黎o架, 為o左娛樂大眾就殺死佢地!? 事實上有幾多俾佢地殺死o左o既動物係真係食落肚? 相反有幾多係俾佢地拎o黎嘔, 最後倒落垃圾桶?

我o係無線電視美女廚房個forum post o左, 但d人只關心邊個天使最靚, 邊個主持唔掂, 無人關心d動物, 就算o係newsgroup, d人覺得食用o既動物, 點殺都得..... >_<

上一季美女廚房播出時, 已經有人投訴過. 佢地今季就只係將"斬落去o個cut"唔播, 避開唔俾廣管局話佢血腥, 根本就無助d動物!

希望各位將依個訊息forward俾你o既朋友, 俾各位知道佢地坐o係家中好開心笑住睇依個節目時, d動物承受多餘o既痛苦, 為o左娛樂大眾而被殺死!

This Group is started to oppose certain scenes in the TVB Jade Programme “Beautiful Cooking 2” which is now airing every Sunday evenings at 9:30pm. In each episode, lady-guests were invited to a cooking contest and the process often involves the killing of live food-animals or seafood. More often than not, the guests are not trained or experienced cooks and the killings are inhumane, slow and cruel. The killings are then mocked by the hosts and guest-judges. Why do the animals have to die in such cruelty, with no sympathy given and yet still aired to over million of viewers? Why can’t they choose to use slaughter/chilled ingredients? Why are we entertaining ourselves with scenes of gruesome killings?


我地一班朋友已經向廣管局作書面投訴! 如果你都同意o既話, 請罷睇依個節目, 寫一封信俾廣管局甚至TVB, 希望可以阻止TVB再咁做. TVB已經拍o左約十集, 仲有幾集未拍. 即係我地仲有可能幫到十多隻動物, 甚至阻止佢地用同一手法拍第三集. 請多多支持!!!!

Please support us by writing a letter to protest such scenes being broadcasted in prime-time TV and thereafter repeated on the internet.. You can email to:

廣管局 Broadcasting Authority email:

無線電視 TVB email:

如果各位有其他idea, 請提出! 謝!
Let us know if you have other ideas. Thank you!


生劏嗰part 我飛左, 唔忍心睇

咩世界呀?!  不知所謂!

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